If you need assistance, please contact 大黄蜂中央 at 540-665-4514 or email hornetcentral@xgcr.net.
If you need assistance, please contact 大黄蜂中央 at 540-665-4514 or email hornetcentral@xgcr.net.
作为一名新生, in your first term of enrollment the school will register you for your courses.
作为一名新生, in your first term of enrollment the school will register you for your courses prior to August 5. If you are accepted after August 5, please contact 阿迪穆罕默德, amohamme2@xgcr.net 申请注册协助.
Please be aware there is an online registration period for each term. The dates for online registration are listed on the 药学学历. 学生 who register during online registration will be required to pay tuition by the published due dates listed on the academic calendar and in the How to 支付你的学杂费 section.
学费, fees, and housing rates are available to view by academic year and school/program.
不可退款的.5% surcharge is imposed on the transaction amount of all credit and debit card payments, which is not greater than the cost of acceptance.
电子支票可以在网上办理,只需3美元.00 fee will be applied to electronic check payments.
- 秋季学期:8月4日
- 学期:12月15日
- 春季学期:12月15日
- 夏季学期一 & 药学/HP夏季学期:5月10日
- 夏季第二学期:6月14日
- 秋季学期:8月5日
- 学期:12月16日
- 春季学期:十二月十六日
- 夏季学期一 & 药学/HP夏季学期:5月12日
- 夏季第二学期:6月16日
学生 must be registered for classes and have an outstanding balance on their student account to be able to pay online.
- 登录到 大黄蜂中心
- Your username and password are sent to you via email from the 招生 Office
- 选择“学生资助”
- 从下拉菜单中选择“付款”. You may not make a payment unless there is a balance due.
- 查看您的帐户, select “Account Activity” from the drop down menu at the top of the page and select the applicable term.
- 登录到 大黄蜂中心
学生 may grant 父母/人代理 access to a person of their choice.
To grant 父母/人代理 access, the student must:
- 登录到 大黄蜂中心
- 点击页面右上角的学生姓名
- 从下拉菜单中选择“查看/添加代理访问”
- Please note that you must enter the parent/person’s current/existing email address so the parent/person can receive his/her username and password.
Once a parent has been granted Parent/Proxy access, parent must:
- 以家长/代理人身份登录 使用父母/人的用户名和密码
- Select the student name, not the parent/person name, from list on the Person Proxy page
- 选择学生资助
- 选择付款
如果你要寄一张支票, be sure to provide the student’s full name and Shenandoah ID number with the check. 请将付款邮寄至以下地址:
Shenandoah offers the option to divide your tuition bill into 4 monthly payments per term.
- 秋季付款将于8月至11月到期.
- 春季付款期限为12月至次年3月.
欲知详情,请浏览 澳门网上赌博平台付款计划.
Admitted students will receive email notification of the date and time from the Pharmacogenomics Program staff.
退款 are issued to students who have a credit balance on their student accounts after tuition, 费用和其他适用费用已经支付. In the fall and spring terms, refunds are issued on the second Friday of the term. 退款是通过直接存款发放的. 为了 要收到退款,请按照说明进行操作.
Banking information must be entered by May 1 if your initial enrollment is in the summer term or August 5 if your initial enrollment is in the fall term.
Be sure you are checking your SU email account for updates and program specific information.