Jean Swartz
Senior Executive Director of New Student Enrollment
Call: 540-665-4581
Text: 540-546-6029
M.S. in Outdoor Recreation Administration, Indiana University
What makes SU unique?: I love Shenandoah Conservatory performances and the way our very diverse students support each other! One year, when one of our senior male dance students finished his senior solo performance, I watched a whole row of football players jump to their feet and cheer his performance! Love that.
My favorite place on campus is hard to pick! First would be Sarah’s Glen, especially when it’s decorated for the holidays with the festive lights – walking through in the evening, after it has snowed – it’s magical! Second would be the quad, especially in the autumn and spring – when the leaves are changing or blooming – you can hear students laughing and hanging out in hammocks, music coming from Armstrong Hall studios, I love the quad.
My favorite place in Winchester is the Downtown Walking Mall. It’s a great place to meet friends; there are lots of different, authentic restaurants, musicians playing, and funky shops to explore. Two of my favorites downtown are the Red Fox Ice Cream Shop (mocha toffee chip!) and Winchester Book Gallery.
What makes SU special to you: I have so many great SU experiences! I love working with our students and watching them grow and mature over the years, but global travel is something that really makes SU special! In 2005 I traveled on a GCP (Global Citizenship Project) trip to Costa Rica, and in 2024 I led a GCP trip to Zambia! Experiencing these two countries with SU students, staff and faculty, some of whom I may have never met without these trips, was fun and so meaningful.
My advice: The best thing you can do when selecting a college is visit the campuses you are considering. Websites and social media are great, but nothing replaces actually being on the campus when other students are there. When you visit, be engaged – ask questions, listen, look around, eat in a dining hall, talk to people, see a residence hall, pick up a campus newspaper, take pictures. All of those things will help you get a feel for the campus and if you think you will feel comfortable there.